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Get Ready For Summer

Spring is here, and you all know what that means… it’s time to break out of your winter footwear. Yep, time to get your tootsies ready for summer!

All across Australia, the temperature is starting to rise and here is sunny Darwin that means the build-up has kicked off. Of course, summer isn’t quite here yet, which is a good thing because that gives you plenty of time to condition your feet ready to begin beach hopping, backyard barbequing and every other fun in the sun activity you can think of.

Your changing feet

But let’s get serious for a moment. Feet change a bit during the winter and they change again once summer arrives.

Coming out of the winter your feet are a lot more vulnerable. If you’re starting a new exercise routine or getting active be sure to go easy at first and then gradually increase… and don’t forget to stretch out and wear the appropriate footwear.

If you have a foot related condition already, such as plantar fasciitis, then be extra cautious to take good care of your feet.

Foot care is more than just being careful and wearing the right shoes, though that does go a long way.

To make sure your feet look extra good and feel great, this summer then check out this article which has some quick tips for summer foot care.

Remember, if you have any issues with your feet then it never hurts to go visit a podiatrist. In fact, several of our stockists are podiatrists…which just goes to show how good Slappa’s really are for your feet!

Top tip for starting summer

After those cold months all wrapped up in socks and heavy footwear feet tend to soften up, and because they’re softer at the beginning of summer that means your Slappa’s might not fit quite right.

Take a little time to remould into your Slappas. If you aren’t sure how to remould your Slappas don’t worry, just check out this video.

Remember your feet deserve the best support they can get, and moulding your Slappas gives them just that. Check out our new colour range,  and list of stockist to find one closest to you.

Thongs On,
