Slappa's Thongs
‘Tis the Season… to get your thongs on!
Summer is in full swing, the holiday season is upon us, and it’s definitely the season for thongs!
Here in Darwin, we’re hoping for a dry Christmas but we’ll still have fun even if it does rain.
I’ll admit, sometimes I’m a bit of a bah-humbug over the holiday. But, it does give me extra time with the family and for that reason alone I cherish this annual holiday.
Tradition, Tradition, Tradition
In our household, we’re very ordinary in our celebrations. We’ll celebrate with friends and/or family, whoever is around.
The kids leave out beer and biscuits for Father Christmas plus some carrots for the reindeer. In fact, that’s probably one of the only things out of the usual we do – we never call him Santa, no in our household it’s strictly Father Christmas.
On Christmas morning Roger and I usually end up having to wake the kids. Yes, it’s amazing – they must be the only kids that ever sleep in on Christmas!
A cricket game outside and enjoying some quality time in the pool is all the typical norm on Christmas Day in the Dunn household.
What’s your Christmas tradition? Anything out of the ordinary?
It’s the thought that counts
For presents, we like to do a blind Kris Kringle with our adult family and friends. Everyone buys something that is unisex, usually, the budget is between $30-$50, and all the gifts go under the tree.
On Christmas Day your name gets drawn out of a hat and you pick out a present. It adds a little fun and excitement because you never know what you’ll get.
For Mum and Dad, who are both 80 years old, we deposit money into their bank account. This allows them to buy themselves some nice seafood which they actually appreciate more than a gift.
Of course, we buy the kids individual gifts as they are all different ages! But, for the most part, it isn’t about the gifts. Truly the best gift of all is just getting to be together for the holiday.
Food for Thought
As for the big feast, we do it the Aussie way. A nice variety of seafood; oysters, prawns and smoked salmon, as well as a lovely roast ham. For those of you from outside Australia I’m sure it’s a little different, but this time of year the seafood here is at its best.
My mum, of course, loves to keep up the tradition and always makes a Christmas pudding. She even puts the old money in it; threepence, pennies, shillings and sixpence.
For us, Christmas is about gratitude and generosity, being with our family and enjoying time together.
What kind of thong-ventures are you planning this Christmas? I’d love you to share on our Facebook page how you celebrate.
Thongs On!
PS – Order your Slappa’s Thongs online – choose from our fabulous range of colours to suit every member of the family.