Slappa's Thongs
Easy Steps to Solving your Gift Giving Dilemma
We’re halfway through November, and that means December is fast approaching so I’ve got one thing on my mind – gifts!
Gift shopping is a fun activity for me. I know it can be troublesome and stressful but it’s a great way to focus on those who mean the world to us.
Every year I like to get my family gifts I think they’ll love because I love them.
Ghosts of Giftmas Past
These days it can seem like the only point to the holidays is gifts, which of course is completely untrue.
Gifts are just a small part of Christmas, but they’re a great way to embrace the spirit of the holiday and show appreciation for those around us.
One of the most memorable gifts I ever received is Frankie. He’s my extra-adorable dachshund and was actually a gift for the whole family. We love him to bits and he’s very much part of Team Slappa’s.
Hot Tips for gift buying
Over the years I’ve perfected my knack for gift shopping, working out the best ways to buy great gifts for everyone without going over budget. This skill has served me well considering every year we celebrate with friends and family, doing a bit of a blind Kris Kringle.
So, if you dread gift shopping I have some tips on how to be a great gift buyer:
- Know your audience – if it’s for close family or friends think about what they like. If it’s for a work Kris Kringle and you don’t know the person well try asking other co-workers about what they’re getting. If you really can’t come up with any ideas go for something practical; headphones, diary planners, coffee mugs, or in a pinch chocolates.
- Set yourself a budget – for each person you’re buying for, set yourself a specific budget. It doesn’t have to be the same amount for each person, but it will help restrict your spending and keep you focused.
- Start a present box – this is one of my favourites because it can be used for any occasion. Not just at Christmas time. The basic principle is to keep a big box that’s filled with possible gifts. Gifts can be small knick-knacks or fantastic items. You don’t have to splurge on filling the box either. The idea is to just fill it slowly over time. If there’s a great deal on buying multiples of an item you’re already getting then take advantage of that and place the extra into the box.
- Remember “it’s the thought that counts” – At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you got someone the perfect gift, what matters is you were thinking of them.
Thongs On!
PS – Remember, a pair of Slappa’s also makes a great gift for anyone 😉